Directions to:
Mold Threads, Inc. 21 West End Avenue Branford, Connecticut 06405
Phone 203.483.1420 |
From the North (Old Saybrook direction)
Take I-95 to Exit 54.
At the end of the ramp, take a left onto Cedar St.
Continue straight across Route 1.
Stay on Cedar St. to stop sign.
Then take a right onto Main St.
At first light, take a left onto Kirkham St.
At second stop sign, turn right onto Harbor St.
Harbor turns into West End Ave. at stop sign.
Proceed across intersection. MTI is the first building on the right, white and gray with a maroon stripe.
From the South (New Haven direction)
Take I-95 to Exit 54.
At the end of the ramp, take a right onto Cedar St.
Continue straight across Route 1.
Stay on Cedar St. to stop sign.
Then take a right onto Main St.
At first light, take a left onto Kirkham St.
At second stop sign, turn right onto Harbor St.
Harbor turns into West End Ave. at stop sign.
Proceed across intersection. MTI is the first building on the right, white and gray with a maroon stripe.